About us
We are a Czech company, established in 1991. The company PRUMKER a.s. is the sole partner of the company Průmyslová keramika, spol. s r.o. Nowadays, we rank among the leading Central-Europe suppliers of refractory mixtures and refractory pre-formed shapes. We deliver our products all over the world.
Our products are used by companies in all industries using high-temperature devices. We build using dynamic and flexible approach and we are experts on fast and last-minute solutions. In addition to reliable and quality products, we also provide individual technical advisory. We actively solve topical issues with specialized universities and research institutions; you can be sure that our products are sophisticatedly developed from the first draft until production.
Production program
We divide our products into three basic groups:
- non-formed refractory mixtures
- refractory pre-formed shapes and prefabricates
- special refractory pre-formed shapes
In addition to the basic assortment, in smaller extent we also produce refractory ramming and repair masses, acid-proof and refractory mastics, various auxiliary masses for stove fitters, grog for precision casting and some other refractory masses for special applications. At the moment, we offer more than 200 types of refractory mixtures.
Our customers are mostly from countries in the Central Europe. We export more than 50% of our production beyond the borders of the Czech Republic, including both direct export and indirect supplies.
We constantly monitor and improve the quality of our products. We develop our products in our in-house modern specialized research and development department. We use technically advanced equipment and machinery to determine the important parameters of the product. Our products are subject to external certification in the Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha, s. p., (Technical and Test Institute for Construction), branch office Pilsen. For the entire period of certificate validity, proper operation of the production control system is periodically supervised as well as compliance with requirements set down on the products. On the basis of the results, we issue certificate of conformity according to the applicable legislation.
To guarantee stability and effectiveness of production process, we have introduced the international standard for quality management system ISO 9001 in 2008. We are re-certified each year.
Trade fairy and exhibitions
All trade fairs are canceled by COVID-19.
We will welcome competent and hard-working colleagues in our team. We offer stable employment, work in young team, and employee perks.
At the moment, no job opportunities are offered.
EU funding programs
Our company uses grant programs supporting entrepreneurship:
Průmyslová keramika, spol. s r.o. is implementing the project under the name "Participation of the Company Průmyslová keramika in the Trade Fairs in Years 2018-2020", reg. No: CZ.01.2.111/0.0/0.0/18_167/0013296, co-financed by the operational program "Development of Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Companies ", i.e., funds of the European Union and national budget of the Czech Republic.
© 2024 Průmyslová keramika, spol. s r.o.
Social responsibility
We are proud that we help people in need.
We sponsor:
SONS Blansko, Hnutí humanitární pomoci Blansko
Město Rájec-Jestřebí, Svaz tělesně postižených Rájec-Jestřebí
Svaz tělesně postižených Blansko,
SŠ TEGA Blansko.